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Modelling Glucose Transport and Population Growth

Below are the model equations defined by the class. First, an equation accounting for uptake of glucose in solution by the yeast population, with a potential correction term for osmotic back-flow from the cells:

\dot{g}_o = %%y \left[
\underbrace{-\alpha  g_o y}_{\mbox{...
\overbrace{ \gamma  ( g_i - g_o) y }^{\mbox{osmosis}}
\end{displaymath} (6)

and another equation describing changes in internal glucose in the population (which is not changed by budding - the buds still have the same glucose as their parents):
\dot{g}_i = \overbrace{\alpha  g_o y}^{\mbox{uptake}} \quad...}} \quad
-\underbrace{\beta  g_i y.}_{\mbox{respiration}}
\end{displaymath} (7)

The class accounted for yeast population growth using a per-capita growth model, with growth rates inhibitted by the presence of alcohol:
\dot{y} = \overbrace{\epsilon  y g_i}^{\mbox{budding}} \quad - \quad
\underbrace{\omega  a y.}_{\mbox{alcohol inhibition}}
\end{displaymath} (8)

Finally, production of alcohol as a waste product must be accounted for using a proportionality-to-respiration argument:
\dot{a} = \delta  g_i y
\end{displaymath} (9)

Together, equations (6 - 9) form a complete model for the yeast-sugar system.

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James Powell