How to Homogenize the Basic Fracture

The following describes how to use the JHomogenizer tool to homogenize a region of a small high permeability region surrounding a lower permeability region. The region around the boundary is small relative to the size of the entire region. The permeability value in the fracture is assumed to be at least one order of magnitude higher than the permeability in the interior of the region.

The fracture region can be homogenized using the following process. There are a few different things that would need to be done to produce the results shown on the main page for this test problem.

The Steps:

In the following you will build the basic fracture map and do work that will homogenize the map. In addition, the following shows how to connect a number of the fracture maps together.

We can also create a periodically extended map using the rectangular fracture as the basic periodic cell. To do this, we can use the MapEditor tool. To do this do the following.

Finally, you can save the map data and all of the homogenized results by clicking on the Save Maps button. The data will be stored in a folder with the same name as the name of the file. All of the homogenized results will be stored in subfolders of the original folder.

To reload the data you can use the instructions in some of the other examples. These instructions will not be repeated here.