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Anna is the spunky two-year old daughter of Eric and Brenda Rowley. She has two older brothers: Logan (6 yrs) and Adam (4 yrs). When she is not fighting with him, Anna loves to follow Adam aroung and to say and do everything that he does.

Anna has a cute short squatty-body, a big toothy smile (including a sizeable gap between the two front teeth) and lots of hair. She loves juice and chocolate milk and can usually be found carrying a sipper-cup containing one or the other.

Anna loves Winnie-the-Pooh. She enjoys stuffed animals, reading stories, computer activities, and videos that feature that "silly old bear".

Anna also loves to play with her older girl cousins Andrea and Melanie who often fix her hair in various fancy doos.

Anna especially loves her Mom and Dad and likes to be with one or the other on a sometimes selective basis.

Check back soon to see some pictures of Anna and her family.