Nghiem V. Nguyen

MATH 5420-001
Phone: (435)797-2819
Email: nghiem.nguyen(at)

Partial Differential Equations
MATH 5420--Spring 2021

MATH 5420-001 TR10:30am-11:45am. Location: Biology/Natural Resources 102.

Office Hours:  

TR 9:00am -10:00am, or by appointments. Location:  ANSC 201. Due to COVID-19, the university encourages that faculty hold office hours primarily online. (Exception can be arranged in special situation to have face-to-face help, but both participants must follow safe practices spelled out below!)

My website is

Distribution  Homework   200 points

Two Midterm Exams  100 points each

Final Exam 150 points

There will be two midterm exams.  The final exam will be cumulative, with more emphasis on the part of the course that comes after the second exam.  All exams are closed book and notes.   No calculators are allowed.

Homework will be posted on Canvas and collected once a week on Thursdays by midnight. You will need to upload the assignments directly onto Canvas. You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with your classmates but you must write up solutions on your own.

The final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 9:30am-11:20am.

Content:  This course emphasizes the understanding and solution of physically relevant partial differential equations. Topics include derivation and analysis of the transport, diffusion, wave, and Laplace equations; the method of characteristics; eigenfunctions/ Fourier series; transform methods; and fundamental solutions. Prerequisite/Restriction: MATH 2250 or MATH 2280 with a C- or better.

Textbook:  The main source of reference is Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction, second edition, by Walter A. Strauss;  ISBN: 978-0-470-05456-7.   We will cover mostly the first six chapters and, if time permits, a few other selected topics.  I will occasionally use my own notes as well as some other textbooks/articles to supplement some of the materials discussed in the book by Strauss.

Students with disabilities: USU offers a variety of services to assist students with learning disabilities.  Contact the Disability Resource Center (797-2444) for more information on these programs.

Other important information:  Students are expected to follow the university guidelines while inside the classroom such as practicing social distancing and face covering. This course is scheduled to be a blended face-to-face, which means beside the in-person delivering, the lectures will also be broadcasted live through Zoom. I will make every effort to also record the lectures through Zoom for you. HOWEVER, YOU ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO EITHER ATTEND THE LECTURES IN PERSON OR THROUGH ZOOM LIVE. We will strictly adhere to the university policy and students are advised to check regularly the university website for the most updated information. Currently, it is stated that there will be NO “Spring break”, two NO class dates on Fridays--March 12 and April 9, (which don't affect our class by the way) and that Thursday April 8 will go on Friday's schedule. Following is the precise USU guideline:

COVID-19 Classroom Protocols:  In order to continue to provide various forms of face-to-face instruction at USU, and to limit the spread of COVID-19 during the pandemic, students are asked to follow certain classroom protocols during the spring 2021 semester. These protocols are based on CDC, state, and local health department guidelines and requirements are in place not only for your safety but also the safety of the entire campus community.

a) Face coverings are required in all classrooms and teaching laboratories. Students will not be permitted to remain in class without a face covering, as per University Policy 20T.3. Students that do not adhere to the face covering policy will be referred to the Office of Vice President for Student Affairs for a possible violation of the Student Code of Conduct. There may be individual medical circumstances that prevent some students from using face coverings. If you require this exemption, contact the Disability Resource Center prior to the start of classes to investigate alternative instruction. These circumstances will be rare, but if they do exist, we ask that everyone be respectful.

b) Follow faculty instructions regarding social distancing and entering/exiting classrooms.

c) Stay home when you are sick, however mild your symptoms.

d) Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

Homework 1 (due Jan 21):  1.1 (2,4,11) and  1.2 (1,2,3,5).

Homework 2 (due Jan 28):  1.2 (6,7,8,9,13) and  1.5 (1,5).

Nghiem V. Nguyen